If we are used to feeling a bit on the side of life after consuming carbohydrate, it should be known that carbohydrate intolerance is totally a thing and should be taken into consideration when assessing which type of diet is best for us.
What is carbohydrate intolerance?
Carbohydrate intolerance is the failure to digest one or many carbohydrates due to a lack of one or more gastrointestinal enzymes. The symptoms may include diarrhea, bloating, nausea and flatulence, an official diagnosis can be made by a hydrogen or methane breath test.
How do we tell if we are having an intolerance to carbohydrates?
Listening to our body is the first step. Many people ignore out the body’s signals by taking medication and some don’t understand how food can affect not only the gut but also joints, cognition and much more. Definitive signs are indigestion, bloating, nausea at night after falling asleep, excessive burping and flatulence. This is not a complete list, but it will help guide us to seek help.
Are carbohydrates inherently bad for our health?
They are in fact, an important part of our overall health, the health of the microbiome and they have played a big part in evolutionary eating. The people may have intolerances to certain carbohydrates as opposed to the food group as a whole; a problem that is exacerbated through the poor-quality of today’s modern diet.
Are brown carbohydrates better than white carbohydrates?
Yes, unrefined carbohydrates are far better than refined carbohydrates. But there are exceptions to the brown/white carbohydrates debate. For instance, honey and a couple of fruits are known as white carbohydrates, which is the point of disagreement. There is a tribe in Africa called the Hadza whose diet is approximately 30% honey and they do not have the diseases of modern society. Also, white rice that has been cooked and cooled for 24 hours becomes a resistant starch with fewer carbohydrates and is a wonderful source of nutrition for the microbiome.
What to do if we have a carbohydrate intolerance?
Inevitably, removing the carbohydrate (disaccharide) from the diet is the treatment. An example of this is when lactose (milk sugar) is unable to be digested due to the lack of the enzyme lactase, so trialing a lactose-free diet would be an obvious solution. A low FODMAP diet is also prescribed to people who do not tolerate certain carbohydrates. This is not necessarily due to a missing enzyme but rather a microbiome in dysbiosis which weakens gut function.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet or GAPS Diet (Gut and Physiology/Psychology Syndrome) are two wonderful examples of how to fix a gut that cannot tolerate carbohydrates and many other macronutrients. By doing either of these two diets, most people can begin to tolerate more carbohydrates.
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